Hello world is what I believe the traditional way is to start something new in the computer space. And appropriately so as this is intended to be a traditional reference site for all things related to alternative healing.
There are many therapies out there - some a little dodgy to say the least. This blog aims to give a brief outline of different therapies and given an indication to the audience in terms of the number of people that have tried or experimented with those therapies and what their results were. It is not intended to be a comprehensive reference site - just one which gives an introduction to different options you can explore to make an informed decision about your options.
I have both tried and practised a number of different alternative healing therapies from dream therapy to reflexology. Some have worked, others left me drained and feeling worse off than when I started. Not everything works for everyone - you need to find what works for you.
This Blog is Moving
13 years ago